My Team of Supporters
My Higgies - Husband Scott and Sons Thomas and Adam
Thank you to Hope Breen for joining me at R.I.T.’s “Try A Tri”. We rocked it.
Dawn Foreman - My #261Fearless Running Buddy and Boston Marathon Roommate
My first group of adventure chicks trying ziplining including my dear friend Teresa D. Huggins
Our first Women’s Athletic Network event running at Paige’s Butterfly Run in Syracuse - a fundraiser for Children’s Cancer.
The volunteers at the Utica Curling Club who taught us how to curl one October day.
The Pioppis - my son’s future inlaws and wife for being good sports about learning Disc Golf with us.
Kathleen Komar for teaching me how to play Pickleball with her and her friends.
The Quigley Family for giving me the look, motorcycle, helmet, and course to try out Motocross on their own backyard course.
Amelia Nigro, celebrating her 72nd birthday, asking me to join her for 30 miles of her 72 mile journey to Saratoga on the Erie Canal.
To my International team of female runners in the 2018 “Women Can” All-Women’s Marathon. My team of women were from Switzerland, England, and Capri, Italy. We wore matching pink shirts.
To my two future-daughter-in-laws - Rachel Brenner (left) and Krista Pioppi (middle in black) for Deep Sea Fishing on a WILD day in St. John’s where we snagged a 4 foot, 500 lb. Dusky Shark.
Thank you to Jennifer Waters (right back) and Janet Polech (center) for Cross Country Skiing with me on the 37th Annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day 2023 at Beaver Lake Nature Center.
Thank you to Hope Breen of @RoctheCitywithHope, a TikTok Influencer, for joining me at R.I.T.’s “Try A Tri” and to Nick Despines for planning the event.
Thank you to Lynne Boucher of Rochester Yoga Revolution for teaching five of us how to do Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga in August 2023 and then Snowoga (Snow Yoga) in February 2024. Learn more about them at
Thank you to all the people who donated to my Dana-Farber Boston Half Marathon in November 2023. What amazing financial support. People are good!
To my long-distance running bestie, Deb Mills, who ran with me in the 2024 New York City Half Marathon (pictured here at the start) and the 2023 Boston Half Marathon, 2017 Boston Marathon, 2018 England Women Can Marathon, and the 2019 San Antonio Rock and Roll event.
My fabulous Trap Shooting Instructors Shea McCarty Beachner and Beth Bellinger
Jill Bates, a Rochester woman entrepreneur who showed up mile 23 mile at the Boston Marathon.
Patti Knutsen for taking me out to Mountain Bike-for the first time and to her husband for the bike.
Deb Sargeant (right) inviting me to try Korean Martial Arts at Kuk Sool Won in Wolcott
My neighbor and fly fishing award winner, Jim Solicetto, for teaching me to fly fish on his private pond on a gorgeous July evening.
For the BRAVE women entrepreneurs who joined me at Roc City Circus to try out the Flying Trapeze.
To our White Water team of Tracy Black, Michelle Shauger, Celeste Armal, and Amanda Funk for my first experience white water rafting.
Erika Profenno, Coach of the Keuka College Womens’ Field Hockey Team for teaching me and 7 other women how to play Field Hockey
Women like Judy Winslow (right) who buy tickets and support the Syracuse University Women’s Basketball Team like I did for two years.
A round of applause to the guys from the Institute of Professional Wrestling in Syracuse for showing me the “ropes” as a Pro Wrestler. My new name “Tracy Higgs”
Thanks to Paige Amidon and the Uticuse Hellbenders Rugby team for working me out on the field passing and catching the ball and teaching me a thing or two about how athletic rugby is!
I couldn’t have run my first official 10k as part of the New York State Marathon weekend without Kristen Hodge (pink and orange to my left). Thanks for being a great running partner.
Thank you to the best “trophy” winning Fencing coach Lubomir Kalpaktchiev for teaching us how to fence on a very snowy day in Syracuse. What a great guy and coach.