Have you ever wanted to say the phrase "All for one, and one for all" and truly mean it? Well, now is your chance to try the old-age fanciful sport of swords play with Tracy Chamberlain Higginbotham, Founder of Women TIES and the Women's Athletic Network, who is trying every sport once in her lifetime and taking other women along for the adventures.
On Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 you can learn to fence with proper warm-up techniques for sword handling, en-garde positioning, footwork, parries, point control, blade work, and targeting. We will get to wear true fencing attire given out at the event and even duel each other. It will be something fun, exhilarating, and rewarding – along with networking with other women in business around Central New York. Come on, you know you want to try this!
Our instructor "Lubo" was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, before moving to CNY. He is a 25-year veteran instructor and qualifying competitor in international fencing, winning the Gold medal eight times from 1993 to 2005 in regional and international tournaments. He also coached at Syracuse University, Colgate, and Hamilton Colleges.
Syracuse Three Musketeers Photography
We will have enough time after the event to share business cards, network, and create bonds during this experience. If the group wants to grab coffee, drinks, or food after the event, we can do that once we are done.
So come on, learn a new sport, add a late winter adventure to your life, meet some cool women, and let's "parry on" (a defensive fencing term)! Register officially and pay on the Women TIES website at: Women TIES Events