Tracy Chamberlain Higginbotham trying out bull riding in Nashville, TN!
It was bright daylight in Music City and I was as ready as I’d ever be to try bull riding. Having watched many televised PBR bull riding competitions, I knew the sport was not for the faint of heart. The sport was on my adventure sports list which I am committed to achieving in my lifetime. All I can say is that mechanical bull riding experiences allowed me a taste of the real thing. I’m not exactly sure I could attempt to ride a bull otherwise.
As I watched a beautiful thin bachelorette on the mechanical bull with an entire cheering section hooting and hollering at her success, I got a bit nervous. Who was I, a middle-aged woman, bald with alopecia, to follow such an act? Realizing I was a tad trepidatious, my sons bought me a vodka cranberry for liquid courage. The man working the mechanical bull gave me some pointers and I waited in line as two more bachelorette party chicks took their turn.
“Grab onto the strap with your right hand. Put your left arm and hand in the air to balance yourself. Lean back. Go with the flow. Squeeze your legs. Don’t worry,” said the bull riding instructor. Earlier that day, a girl told me the trick to staying on a mechanical bull was wearing shorts or a skirt where sweaty skin stays attached to the bull better. For this ole gal, that wasn’t happening, jeans, a black shirt, and a cowboy hat were my attire.
“I’m ready,” I said, giving a thumbs up to the bull-riding operator!
Tracy Chamberlain Higginbotham preparing for her mechanical bull ride. Getting in the mindset.
I felt like I was falling off right away because you have no sense of which direction the bull will be moving or if he will be bucking up or down. Unlike biking or riding a lawn mower, you don’t have any idea where you are moving to. And the one girl was right, riding with slippery jeans on didn’t help keep me centered. I moved to both sides, trying to get myself back in the “saddle” or middle of the bull, only to slide the other way. Finally, off I went into the padded floor at 42 seconds.
I stood up and to my amazement had a big cheering crowd – perhaps they were already smashed from being in Nashville drinking or they wanted to see how long this ole cowgirl could go. It made me feel great having the audience whoop and holler for me as I took a bow.
“That was way too quick,” I told my guys. I might have to try it again sometime, with shorts on or after having more to drink, or on a real bull. They all said at once, “No way, you are done, check it off your list!”
I don’t think the show Yellowstone will be recruiting me as a stunt woman for any of their bull riding scenes but I can tell you, that was one fast sport to try and succeed in, and I’d do it again to try to make it longer. YeeHaw!
You can witness this amazing feat on my YouTube Channel at this link!
Scott, Adam and Thomas Higginbotham - Tracy’s ultimate cheering squad.